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Ongoing Projects

The aim of this project is to build an autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to assist people during disasters by:

- Delivering a first aid kit containing Aspirin, inhaler for asthma patients, non-perishable food items (crackers), antiseptic cream, antibiotic tablets, gauze, cotton, rubbing alcohol, burn ointment and band-aids
- Surveying the affected area and,
- Locating victims with the help of face detection and object tracking.

The Team

Mechanical - Ajay Prasad, Anmol Mishra, Kshitij Mittal, Prashanthi Balamurugan, Pranjal Samarth

Electrical - Ajay Bisht, H. Bharadwaj, Niharika Yeddanapudi, Rohit Rathnam N, Thej Aravindan, Damodharan K

Computer Science- Arpit Jain, Harshit Vats, Shivam Srivastava

AIAA Engine Design Competition
The AIAA Foundation organises design competitions every year. These competitions offer a great opportunity for students to participate in a simulated real-world problem. SEDS Projects Team is participating in one such design competition organised by AIAA.

The current benchmark of the Turboprop engine used in PC-21 aircraft is the PT6A-68B, a single spool gas turbine that has a 2-stage free turbine.

We aim to improvise this design by studying the working of various turbo engines and their components, thereby aiming to increase the efficiency of the model by assessing specific parameters.

The Team

Badriveer Thota, Dhruv Vijapuri, Neelesh Katoch, Keshu Jat, Nitin Rameseshan, Naman Soni, Anushka Vargantwar

Chess Playing Bot
This project will be using a raspberry pi along with a camera. The camera will recognize the current state of the chess board. Using the analysis the loaded chess engine will compute the best possible move. A robotic arm with 6 degree of motion is also interfaced with the raspberry pi. Using reverse kinematic algorithm the arm will perform the required action.

The Team

Mayank Agarwal, Saransh Dabas, Tanmay Jhunjhunwala

Team Hydra, a subdivision of SEDS Projects Team is participating in the IARRC (International Autonomous Robot Racing Challenge). The competition provides students with real-world, hands-on engineering design challenges, including components of mechanical, computer, control software, and system integration.

The aim of this project is to build a small semi-rugged outdoor vehicle which will be able to carry a payload of at least 10kg. All of the car controls should be completely autonomous.

The Team

Mechanical - Prathik Sunku, Subhro Bardhan

Electrical - Anirudh Mandhar, Amit A K

Computer Science- Ojaswi Kumar, Saumay Khandelwal, Arpit Srivastava, Kavan Soni

Management- Harsh Vani, Harsh Vani

Optical methods of automated power factor control
Maintaining power quality has become crucial so as to cater the demand of today's energy needs. This project is aimed at creating an automated system of power factor control by the application of optoelectronics, an area still unexplored.

This approach is different than the conventional method of adding capacitors to the circuits and make the control possible from the supply side. Two members of the team are currently doing a research project on this topic.

The Team

Amit Prasad, Waris Khan

Done and Dusted

Self-balancing bot

Self-balancing bot, as the name suggests is a robot that balances itself on two wheels. It uses the MPU6050 sensor to measure the tilt. The Arduino processes the readings from the sensors using the PID algorithm and accordingly forces the motors to change the direction to balance the bot in a vertical position.

Gesture bot

This robot moves on the basis of input translated from hand gestures (tilt of hand) made by the person controlling it. It can move in all four directions and is wireless. It uses an RF module to communicate between the transmitter on the glove and receiver on the bot. It also has PWM, the more the hand is tilted in a direction the more is the speed of the robot.

Gravity Light

Gravity Light is a device that uses the potential energy of a mass 'm' at a height that is made to fall. The basic principle here is the conservation of energy, and its transformation from one form to another. During the fall, the potential energy is converted into electrical energy using a system of pulleys and a generator. This is used to light up an LED lamp to give light. This device can be used to replace fuel lamps in third world countries and provide a sustainable source of energy to millions.

Human Skin Detection

The human skin detection project is used to detect human skin from the video feed; the skin portion is detected frame by frame and result is returned in a separate window.


Designing a UAV that works on the working principle of the Coanda effect. The flow from a high speed jet engine mounted in a pod over the wing produces increased lift by dramatically increasing the velocity gradient in the shear flow in the boundary layer. In this velocity gradient, particles are blown away from the surface, thus lowering the pressure there. In order to decide upon a design for this UAV, certain limiting factors had to be taken into consideration, namely the payload of electronic equipment that would need to be incased and secured somewhere within the fuselage. As our UAV works on the principle of Coanda effect, hence the design is of the hemispherical shape.

Quadcopter- FRS Security Drone

It is a security drone made to monitor the security of your surroundings with the help of Face Recognition Sofware (FRS). The components required are Frame Motor x4, Electronic Speed Control (ESC) x4, Flight Control Board, Radio transmitter and receiver, Propeller x4 (2 clockwise and 2 counter-clockwise), Battery and Charger.


An app based game (tic tac toe) developed for android smartphones using Photoshop and Android Studio.

Pattern Detection

The project aimed at identifying a marker in a video which was stored in the database. 16 different markers were defined and the algorithm recognized and tracked the objects in the video successfully.

Portable Bridge

Portable bridge vehicle was aimed to create a vehicle carrying a portable bridge which would help the other vehicle and itself to go over the difficult terrain. The bridge layer unfolds and launches its cargo, providing a ready-made bridge across the obstacle in only minutes. Once the span has been put in place, the vehicle detaches from its bridge, and moves aside to allow traffic to pass. Once all the vehicles have crossed, it crosses the bridge itself and reattaches to the bridge on the other side. It then retracts the span and is ready to move again.

Blind Stick

It first uses ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles ahead using ultrasonic waves. On sensing obstacles the sensor passes this data to the microcontroller. The microcontroller then processes this data and calculates if the obstacle is close enough. If the obstacle is not that close the circuit does nothing. If the obstacle is close the microcontroller sends a signal to sound a buzzer.